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Health & Wellness Programs

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The Ohio District 5 Area Agency on Aging, Inc. provides FREE evidence-based wellness programs to older adults and caregivers across our service area. Learn more about each program in the videos below. Register for the workshop(s) if you are interested by filling out a form. For more information, give us a call at 567-247-6487.

Matter of Balance: Falls Prevention Workshop

Matter of Balance is an eight-week workshop teaching fall prevention through health, home, and habit changes, boosting confidence in managing falls.

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Active Living Every Day Program

Active Living Every Day helps you become more active by incorporating daily tasks into your routine. Gain confidence and problem-solving skills to reach your activity goals.

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Diabetes Empowerment Education Program (DEEP)

DEEP is a six-week interactive diabetes management workshop with visual tools, activities to reduce complications, and tips for healthy eating and exercise.

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Stepping On Program

Stepping On focuses on behavior change and prevention, covering balance and strength exercises, medication and vision reviews, and home modifications.

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Tai Chi for Arthritis and Falls Prevention

Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention boosts strength, flexibility, and fitness, supporting joints and reducing pain for improved well-being.

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Become A Wellness Coaching

Volunteer as a wellness coach to promote healthy habits and improve the well-being of older adults. With the Agency's support, help them live healthier, happier lives. Contact us to learn more!

Sign up to be a Wellness Coach